Training & Facilitation

Banyan Tree Circles Services: Training and Facilitation

Banyan Tree Circles Services: Training and Facilitation

We recognize barriers and complexities in creating change.  Investing in human resources can foster impactful service delivery and create common purpose.  We offer:


Board and Executive Leadership Training:

Organizations often struggle with providing consistent and authentic resources to staff and volunteers in leadership roles.  Board members and Executive teams require mentoring as they transition to balancing various aspects of their role or in addressing ongoing change. Guided by sustainable thinking, we offer mentorship and training to:

  • Integrate foundational roles including motivation, responsibilities, how to make decisions that support the mission and vision, resource development basics, impactful board practices, and connect people to the organization;

  • Integrate self-management strategies, health and wellness into leadership role;

  • Value inclusive leadership, understand potential sources of personal bias, and learn trauma-informed approaches to building healthy team environments; and

  • Practice effective communication tools to grow strong relationships for the organization.


Human Rights, Anti-Racism, Anti-Oppression and Inclusion Training:

With the growing and vibrant diversity in our workplaces, this training is essential for teams who want to harness the power of inclusion.  The learning experience can be tailored for staff teams and leaders within organizations.  We work with collaborators who bring deep intersectional experiences and inspire participants to:

  • Learn about socio-political-historical contexts leading to systemic discrimination;

  • Journey inward to consider the impact of unconscious bias, trauma, power and location to understand our relational experiences in the workplace;

  • Understand our rights and obligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code;

  • Review best practices, anti-racism and anti-oppression principles, and evidence-based competencies needed to foster inclusion and deliver competent services to meet diverse needs; and

  • Practice skills using tools that further develop a rich appreciation for emotional intelligence and inclusion.

Our trainers skillfully apply rich lived experiences of diversity and migration, share authentic experiences of social justice in action to create an impactful educational experience.  This training will foster champions among staff and management who will further equity and inclusion efforts on teams.


Bridging Radical Self-Care & Collective Care:

Stress and burnout account for a large percentage of health concerns, and ultimately leads to diminished creativity and toxic relationship with the self and/or our community.  Acknowledging that stress is ever present in our contexts, the session will bring mindfulness and an intersectional lens to ignite deeper conversations about resilience.  This circle of learning will share tools that remind us why we choose the work, how to bring our entire selves to our work and what we can do to nurture empathy and passion within work culture. Participants will learn to:

  • Apply evidence-informed frameworks and practices to explore old patterns that may not serve us, reflect on the ‘self’ in self-awareness and self-care, and vision collective empathy and resilience.  

  • Invite mindfulness practices like the indigenous discipline of yoga (mindful breathing, meditation) and reciprocal practices with the natural world (forest therapy walks) that tend to our healing.

  • Situate healing and wellness across many intersectional dimensions, including lived experience, the impact of social support, neighbourhood connections, relationship with land and the environment, the impact of history as well as institutional and global (socio-political-economic-health) factors.   

  • Explore the interconnected web of self-care and the role of networks, nature, and collective care in our healing journeys.  

We do not heal in isolation.  This session will apply a collectivist, social justice and trauma-informed understanding of self-care that centers the values of reciprocity and cooperation. We support organizations in developing authentic wellness policies and strategies to embed an ongoing commitment to wellbeing beyond this training. Please visit our research on this topic here.


Illustrations created by Kruttika Susarla, based out of New Delhi, India